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Access list registration form


Access requirements

The access requirements below should be those of the person on whose behalf you are making the booking.
Please tick the below boxes that relate to your access needs
If so, please give details

Proof of eligibility

The Bridge Theatre will hold your details, including your name and address, on its database in order to facilitate future bookings and help us meet your access needs. (If you have completed a paper version of this form, we will destroy it once we have updated your requirements on our database.) To read our privacy policy, click here The Access List is regularly monitored and people who intentionally give false information will have their details removed.
Please indicate which you intend to provide:
We request that you bring one of the following documents on your first visit to The Bridge Theatre as proof of eligibility.
Contact preferences
By submitting this form you confirm that you have read, understood and accept the Access List terms and conditions, our terms and conditions of sale and the processing of your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.

For more information, please contact our Access Line on 0333 320 0052

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