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Physical Access

There is level access into the Bridge Theatre foyer.

The platform lift provides access to the Stalls. Gallery 2 does not have lift access. The lift can carry up to 300KG (4 persons).

The main staircase from the foyer to the Stalls has 21 steps. There are 12 steps up to Gallery 2 from foyer level.

Production specific Physical Accessibility

Our auditorium adapts its configuration for every production, so you may not be able to select the same seats every time you book. Below you will find production specific information to help you select seats that are right for you.

Richard II

From 10 February 2025 – 10 May 2025

Find out about physical accessibility for Richard II.

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A Midsummer Night's Dream

From 31 May 2025 – 23 August 2025

Find out about physical accessibility for A Midsummer Night’s Dream

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Into The Woods

From 2 December 2025 – 18 April 2026

Find out about physical accessibility for Into The Woods

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Accessible Toilets

We have 2 gender neutral accessible toilets. One is located on the ground floor (best access from Gallery 1 seating) and one is located in the Lower Foyer (best access from Stalls seating).

Auditorium Seat Dimensions

All of our seats have a seat width of 41cm, and a seat depth of 44cm, with armrests which are 43cm apart and 23cm up from the seat itself. The seats are approx 38cm up from the floor.

Seats listed as ‘high seats’ are approx 56cm up from the floor, they have a metal bar to rest your feet on rather than the floor.

If you have any questions about the dimensions and sizing of our auditorium seating, please email

Wheelchair Accessible Seats 

The wheelchair spaces are in Gallery 1 C31–C43. There will be level access to these seats.

To book these seats login to your account, choose the performance you would like to attend, then click on Gallery 1 on the seating plan. If you have let us know that you, or your companion, is a wheelchair user, you will see the wheelchair bay available to book in Row C in Gallery 1.

If you have any questions about booking these seats please email

Wheelchair Loan

You can borrow a wheelchair from us to use during your visit. To arrange for a wheelchair to be available, please email us at or call 0333 320 0051 before your visit. Subject to availability.


If your seat is located in the Stalls, you will be required to evacuate yourself from the venue should the need arise. The evacuation route will require navigation of up to 22 steps. If this is not possible, we advise selecting seats in Gallery 1.
